
Examples of recent Seed Advisory publications and presentations include:

Implementing the Connecting Embedded Generation Rule

Report prepared by the Property Council of Australia, ClimateWorks Australia and Seed Advisory on the status of compliance with the requirements relating to connecting embedded generators that came into effect on 1 October 2014.

Implementing the Connecting Embedded Generation Rule Report FINAL – May 2015

Competition in metering – Implications and Opportunities

Seed Advisory presented at an Institute of Water Administration conference to their Energy and Greenhouse Special Interest Group in November 2014

Water SiG – metering competition – Nov 2014

Embedded Networks – Implications and Opportunities

Seed Advisory presented at an Energy Users Association of Australia Breakfast seminar on the implications and opportunities of a potential change in the embedded network regulations.

EUAA – embedded networks breakfast Nov 2014

Connecting Embedded Generators – Final Rule Determination

Media release on the Final determination from the AEMC on the rule change proposal submitted by ClimateWorks Australia, the Property Council of Australia and Seed Advisory.

Media Release 22 April 2014

Connecting Embedded Generators – Draft Rule Determination

Media release on the draft determination from the AEMC on the rule change proposal submitted by ClimateWorks Australia, the Property Council of Australia and Seed Advisory.

Media release 4 July 2013

Assessing and Managing Credit Risk in Essential Services

Seed Advisory presented at the Credit and Collections in Energy and Water seminar in May 2013 on understanding credit risk, approaches to managing credit risk and trends in credit risk management for energy companies. 

Credit and Collections Seminar – May 2013

Demographic analysis of the uptake of small scale renewable technologies

Seed Advisory completed a comprehensive analysis of the demographic characteristics of the uptake of small scale renewable energy systems for the Australian Energy Market Commission.  The study was a component of the AEMC’s review of the renewable energy target and the first large scale study of its kind on the SRES.

Demographic analysis of small scale renewable energy technology uptake

Unblocking the barriers to cogeneration: Project Outcomes Report

Seed Advisory and ClimateWorks Australia worked with industry participants to design solutions to address the barriers facing deployment of cogeneration and is now facilitating a rule change to the National Electricity Rules to streamline the process of connecting to the grid.


The cost of carbon and the impact of project finance

Seed Advisory Director, Peter Eben presented to CPA Australia Management Accounting Conference on the impact of the carbon pricing mechansim on businesses and the market for project finance.

CPA presentation – Carbon Pricing Mechanism – August 2011

The peformance of the prudential standard in the National Electricity Market

Seed Advisory and Taylor Fry advised AEMO in relation to the performance of the prudential standard in the NEM and identified changes to improve it’s performance.

Final report – The Prudential Standard in the NEM

Submission to AEMC regarding the role of hedging contracts in the existing NEM prudential framework

Seed Advisory and Taylor Fry developed a submission to the AEMC in relation to the draft report on the role of hedging contracts in the existing NEM prudential framework.

AEMC10 Seed – TaylorFry Submission to Draft Report 300410

Submission to ACCC regarding authorisation of proposed NSW Gentrader Co-insurance scheme

Seed Advisory and Taylor Fry developed a submission to the ACCC in relation to the application for authorisation from the NSW government  of their proposed co-insurance arrangement.

ACCC Submission – Jan 2010

Energy management for companies, trends and challenges

Seed Advisory presented at the Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association network event on the challenges and changing energy market dynamics and the implications for energy users.

PACIA09 – NetworkEvent Presentation Energy Markets – Nov09

The implications of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme for your business

Seed Advisory presented at the Risk Management Institution of Australia’s annual conference on the implications of the CPRS on businesses.  This included a practical session using Carbon Navigator to demonstrate how businesses would assess, analyse and ultimately develop a strategic response.

RMIA Session 1 09 Slide Pack

RMIA Session 2 09 Slide Pack

Emerging Energy Market Issues and the Built Environment

Seed Advisory presented at a recent forum on the emerging energy market issues that impact the built environment and an overview of the practical and commercial challenges facing green developers.

Energy Markets and the Built Environment

The role of hedging contracts in the existing NEM prudential framework

Seed Advisory and Taylor Fry were engaged by the National Generators Forum to assist by reviewing and critiquing a report prepared for the Australian Energy Markets Commission on potential changes to the NEM prudential framework.

Seed Advisory report for NGF – Nov 09

Green buildings – policy and practice in the energy markets

Seed Advisory presented at a recent energy forum on the barriers and commercial practicalities with installing tri/co-generation in buildings in the Melbourne CBD precinct.

Co-generation Presentation August 2009

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme – business implications and opportunities for actuaries

Seed Advisory Director, Peter Eben presented at a recent Institute of Actuaries of Australia Insights Session on the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and opportunities for the actuarial profession.

Insights presentation (Syd) – Aug09