Patricia Boyce – Credentials

Patricia’s experience includes:

  • As Lead Client Service Partner for SP AusNet, managed service delivery of multi-disciplinary team to support the Independent Directors of SP AusNet in evaluating the proposed acquisition of Alinta assets from their majority shareholder, Singapore Power International.  Her role included participating in the Due Diligence Committee Meetings and being a member of the Independent Directors’ Committee throughout the process.
  • Provided Independent Expert services to the parties negotiating novel gas contracts in the Western Australian gas market.
  • Reporting to the Company Secretary, undertook a review of the operational and financial risks faced by a major NSW Generator which resulted in a recalibration of their evaluation of their risk profile to include a greater emphasis on operational and project issues.  The role included socializing the results of the review with the CEO and senior management in a half day discussion forum.
  • Advised the Queensland Premier and Treasurer on the introduction of Full Retail Competition into the Queensland electricity market.
  • Developed and introduced an elective, “Energy Risk Management” as part of Macquarie University’s Master of Applied Finance program.  The course is offered as an elective and is also offered as a short, one day course. 
  • Advised the successful Chinese bidder for a minority share of the Intergen Queensland assets on valuation and other energy market issues.
  • For the Chief Operating Officer, reviewed the multi-commodity risk management policy of an integrated Australian energy company, improving the cross-commodity and cross state integration of the policy.  Assisted in the roll-out and implementation of the policy.
  • Advised the Queensland Office of Energy on the proposed successor to the Benchmark Price Agreement with Queensland Government owned retailers.